



Chicken Tortilla Soup

Words of wisdom brought to you by…my mom.

Words of Wisdom #1: Never date a boy who takes longer to do his hair than you do.

Words of Wisdom #2: Hunger is the best appetizer.

Well, if you’re home while your crockpot is slowly simmering this soup, appetizers are served…because that mouth watering, heavenly smell coming from within that way-hotter-than-it-actually-looks pot is going to make you hungry.

So my words of wisdom to you…if you don’t have an appetite, buy a crockpot.

Crockpots, they are fabulous things.

They don’t exactly scream classy and elegant but either does eating cookie dough straight out of the bowl, dipping a filet of steak in ketchup, or wearing the same running shorts two days in a row.

But hey, it happens.

Okay now, don’t freak out on me.  There are a lot of canned vegetables going into this.  But if you’re in a rush and want something delicious.  You found it.

Chicken Tortilla Soup (…for the lazy soul)

serves 6-8

[inspired by my boyfriend’s old roommate’s mom’s recipe]

3 chicken breasts

2, 15 oz cans reduced sodium black beans

2, 15 oz cans Mexican style stewed tomatoes 

1, 15 oz can corn (no salt added)

3 cloves garlic, minced

1, 12oz can tomato paste

1 cup hot salsa

2 bell peppers, any color will work (I used 1 yellow and 1 red)

Mix together all the ingredients in a crockpot (raw chicken breasts and everything) and set on low for 8 hours.  Around hour 6, remove the chicken breasts from the crockpot and shred.  Stir shredded chicken back into the soup.  Cook for remaining 2 hours and then serve with avocados and tortilla chips.

Tortilla Chips

If you want to make your own tortilla chips, preheat your oven to 350F.  Quarter some corn tortillas and spread them, not touching one another, on a baking sheet.  Bake for 12 minutes and then flip them to the other side and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until crispy.

Other topping ideas:

Cheese (if your body doesn’t hate lactose)

Plain Greek Yogurt




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  5. Pingback: Top 10 Recipes of 2012 | Yeah…imma eat that.

  6. Made this recipe over the weekend. It was yummy and very easy. Used sour cream, and avocado as garnish. DELISH. Next time I would add more liquid as I thought it was a.little thick, but could be used as a dip, as my guest suggested.

    • So easy right?! I agree it is a really thick soup. My husband is all for thick tortilla soups and I’m all for thinner ones. This is his fav

  7. Sounds great. Gonna do this weekend

  8. This is not Chicken Tortilla Soup….more like a Chili. Where’s the Chicken Broth ?…No liquid ? Definately not authentic

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