



immaEATthat and That and THAT

intuitive eating

i found the above via @themindfuldietitian.  I think it’s a good reminder that when you are trying to start intuitively eating, you can’t do it wrong.  Intuitive eating is just a way to understand what feels best in your body.  There is no right or wrong way to intuitively eat.  It should be a constant opportunity to learn about how to best take care of your body.

in other news…

I’m going to do a capsule closet this Fall.

these baked beans look like a dream.


things I want to do with my future children: mermaid pasta!

10 ways to Master Your Monday. (pssst. on #6 I didn’t like the association between guilt + cereal.)  I’m making some changes to my schedule and will no longer be seeing clients on Mondays, so that Monday can become a blog only day.  I think it’ll be good for me and helping me ease into my week.  I’m all about the self care.

i recently listened to this podcast on alignment before action.  I really connected with it.  I’ve stopped forcing myself to write particular blog posts and instead focus on getting into a good place mentally and emotionally before writing and I’ve noticed the writing really just flows when I’m not forcing myself to write.  When my writing isn’t flowing, that’s when you’ll see a full week of recipe posts on the blog;)



  1. I just wanted to say that your blog has grown to one of my favorites and continues to be.  I can so relate to you and your genuineness and authenticity is what really speaks to me… and there is no easy way to not sound like a creep but I wish you lived in CT because you’d be the most awesome real life friend :) 

  2. I have to agree with Mollie ^^ I wish I lived in Houston because I think we’d make great real life friends! I talk about your blog to my husband and friends as if I know you personally (in the least creepy way possible haha)

  3. Keep us updated on using the capsule! I am so curious! i have never heard of it before but it seems like such a great, cheap thing to try. My husband just made fun of me all weekend while we moved to our new house because of all of the clothes I own.

  4. I too love the direction your blog is going!!!

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