



my latte life hack.

So a couple months ago I realized that if you order an iced coffee instead of an iced latte it is way cheaper.  Since I’m living in this latte loving world of mine, cheaper is better.


Here’s what I do.

The beauty of coffee shops is that they offer free milk and half & half.  So I order an iced coffee with a pump or two of vanilla, then I pour a bit of coffee out and add in the milk and half & half until the color looks just right for me.

Latte life hack. How to get a latte at a coffee shop for cheaper! |

Here’s my receipt for evidence.

Latte life hack. How to get a latte at a coffee shop for cheaper! |

So go to your favorite coffee shop and try it if you haven’t!

Latte life hack. How to get a latte at a coffee shop for cheaper! |


  1. Yep! 8 made this realization this past summer when I worked by Starbucks. 8 ask for my iced coffee with a splash of soy milk because I love soy lattes. they usually give me a splash for free. I’ll have to try asking for a pump of flavoring! I don’t think they are quite the same, but the price of iced coffee is so much better!

  2. you throw out coffee!!! That’s sacrilege in my books!

    Here’s another tiny hack..I always request that my coffee be served in a mug/cup that is 1 size bigger..
    It also makes stirring so much easier!

  3. Another good idea is to get 2 shots of espresso over ice and add your own milk! I’ve never commented but I love your blog ? I’m over here in Austin!

  4. If you haven’t tried cold brew, it will change your life! More intense flavor than iced coffee, but I do love both.

  5. A few years ago when I was deep in my iced coffee phase, I realized ordering an iced Americano was cheaper than an iced coffee (and was usually stronger). Not sure if that’s the case everywhere, but it was at Starbucks!

  6. Love this hack! I always try to cheat the coffee shop system as much as I can cause they love to take my money away. ;)

  7. That’s not a lifehack, that’s stealing. That milk isn’t free to the owners, it’s provided as a courtesy to those who want to add a little to their coffee, not for a “make your own latte” crowd. Profit margins in food service are small enough. I’m disappointed you would post this.

    • Hi Anna! Sorry you find this post offensive. I can see where you’re coming from. I would say I’m at a maximum using 2 tbsp of half & half and 2 tbsp milk to turn the iced coffee into a “latte” and that doesn’t seem excessive to me or like I’m screwing over the coffee shop.

  8. That’s such a good idea! I sometimes feel like I spend way too much money on lattes haha!

  9. Both drinks are yummy but that’s not a latte (made with espresso), it’s a coffee with milk.

  10. A latte is actually espresso not coffee- so ordering two shots on ice then adding milk would be the equivalent and is still typically cheaper. I’d rather not save a dollar and have them make it for me

  11. I love ordering a misto at starbucks – made of 2/3 coffee and 1/3 steamed milk cheaper than a latte and i still get to love some good milk foam! 

  12. Haha this hack is awesome! Thanks for sharing?

  13. I used to work at a starbucks, and I found that if you make an iced coffee with certain syrups they work to make it more latte-ish without paying for a latte.  Example: grande iced coffee with 2 pumps of white mocha and 1 pump of pumpkin spice –> super delicious iced latte

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