



Should I eat the cookie?

A flowchart to encourage you to be a competent eater (rather than someone who just eliminates foods) who can trust your body’s internal cues.


  1. I love flowcharts and this one especially! I shared on Fb. I love your messages and hope more and more people see them!

  2. I love this! It lays out so many potential scenarios and I think people can see there’s more than one reasons to eat a cookie!

    Speaking of cookies yesterday I shared my favorite snacks on my blog

    I haven’t had any cookies recently good enough to be a “favorite” and that makes me sad!

  3. That is so cool / love it!

  4. This is awesome, Kylie! Saving this to go over with clients!

  5. Kylie, I love this! Such an awesome visual for sorting through our thought process :) 

  6. I love this and am going to print it out and put it on my fridge as a reminder!

  7. I really enjoyed this, the flowchart rocks and your handwriting is neat and pretty.

  8. I am obsessed with this. I just shared it with a client. Amazing.

  9. once you have your sweet babe can you do a follow up post on this and learning to tell the difference

  10. Pingback: My Nutrition Philosophy

  11. Pingback: My First Escape Room + Friday Favorites #28

  12. Pingback: Weekend Highlights and Around the Web Round Up - Sweet and Strong

  13. Pingback: A Gentle Approach to Nutrition - SATISFY NUTRITION

  14. Love this flowchart, saving the image for reference.

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