



Chutes & Ladders.


  1. Yes!!! Eat fats! Feel Satisfied. I’ve stopped eating low fat/no fat and have been actively incorporating fat into my diet (full fat yogurt, cooking with normal amounts of oils–instead of trying to cook with 1/4 of the oil that a recipe called for, full-fat peanut butter, full-fat coconut milk, full fat ice-cream, Lattes with whole milk, chocolate chips in my oatmeal at breakfast etc). I can’t tell you how BIG of a difference this has made in feeling satisfied. And feeling satisfied makes me not feel out of control around food which means I think about food like 5 times a day instead of thinking about food every 5 minutes (like 150 times a day).

  2. Silent, but faithful reader here. Love this. Going to share this with a client I met with today – couldn’t be more timely as it is a fab visual representation of what we have been discussing!
    Thanks for all the work you do, Kylie <3

  3. I needed to see this today, Kylie. Thank you, as always :) I’ve been challenging myself to eat processed food without guilt, and it’s super hard. BUT I’ve been listening to Food Psych, read some of Linda Bacon’s HAES work, and following your blog, and these things all help!

  4. You are so talented with your visuals, Kylie. Thank you for being such a passionate voice for such an important topic.

  5. I love this!!! Such a wonderful visualization. Slowly making it towards the end of the “chutes” with the help of your blog, podcasts, and reading Intuitive Eating. It’s taken a while, but leaving guilt behind and and finding that peace feels soooooo good! <3

  6. This is so awesome. What a great visual! It illustrates that we really do have a choice which direction we go with our thoughts.

  7. This chute perfectly captured a cycle I didn’t even know I’ve been circling through. Right now I’m somewhere in between “fear body will change size” and “google set point weight theory”. Fighting that urge to circle back to the beginning. Thank you for making this :)

  8. Pingback: DietitianJess - New Year New You (No way!) - DietitianJess

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