



June Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks

Hi guys! Today I wanted to update you on some pregnancy things :) You can check out my other pregnancy posts here: we’re pregnant, gender reveal, and pregnancy body image so far.

Baby size.

Baby girl is the size of a pomegranate and her hand is the size of my thumbprint.

Best pregnancy purchase recently.

Andrew bought me a Snoogle for my birthday! I have always loved sleeping with multiple pillows and the Snoogle is my dream come true.  I’ve already decided I’m keeping the thing after pregnancy.  I LOVE IT!

Worth noting: I feel like a king size bed is mandatory to accommodate a Snoogle.

My mood.

So much better.  The first trimester I felt so down, apathetic, blue and depressed.  Since about 14 weeks I’ve been feeling like myself again.

What I’m reading.

A client recommended, Does this Pregnancy Make me Look Fat? and I’m so glad she did.  I’ve found every other pregnancy book I’ve picked up very unhelpful, so I’m not reading them.  My plan is to focus on me and my health (mental and physical) until the 3rd trimester and then switch to books I’ve been recommended on helping baby sleep, parenting, etc.

Favorite Pregnancy Podcast.

Easily The Birth Hour.  A friend recommended this to me and I’m so glad she did.  I find it fascinating and it’s been helpful in helping me consider all my options for how I’d like to “plan” to give birth.

Things I’ve bought the baby so far.

Haha. Actually not much.  I am using Baby List to register for things, which I love because I can register for all the awesome things I’ve come across on social media (hello, milk snob!).  The only thing I know I want is this backpack baby bag I saw How Sweet Eats recommend.

So far baby has 6 things: a pillow, shoes, koala towel, 2 onesies, and an Oh Joy! romper.  I heard that the 0-3 month size only fits a 7# baby.  I’m not sure why, but I feel like my baby is gonna be at least 8#s, so I’m just gonna start buying at least the 3 month old size for the newborn phase lol.

Body changes.

Welp.  So much for stretch mark cream lol.  I already have significant stretch marks on my breasts, practically overnight they doubled in size early in pregnancy (around 8 weeks).  

I feel like all the body changes I’m going through in pregnancy are preparing me for the fact that life is never going to be the same, in terms of how I spend my time, feel about another person, etc.  Having a baby will change things and I’m grateful for a mindset that lets me view these body changes as things that are getting me ready for bigger changes to come.  

While I imagine there will be body image feelings that come up in the future, I currently feel really soft, fleshy AND good in my pregnant body.  I’m eating and moving as I feel like it and letting my body do what it needs to do to grow baby.

How’s the nursery?

Andrew is a planner and is getting the nursery together.  Funny story: Right when we started trying to get pregnant he bought a vehicle that could fit a carseat, since his previous vehicle was a tiny little car that he got with the intention of having it until we had a baby.  


I was somewhat eager to get the nursery done, until another pregnant friend was like, “you realize the baby could sleep in a bassinet in your closet for 6 months and be totally fine, right?” That made me laugh and I think it’s super true.  I do wanna have a place for all of baby’s things, but we’re in no hurry to get things finished…other than the excitement/hurrying feeling of getting it done and getting to imagine bambina in there.  Andrew spent this past weekend painting the room the color, “Panda White” from Sherwin-Williams.  I was feeling more of a marshmallow-y + pale pink color, but Andrew is better with envisioning rooms/design than I am, so I went with the panda white.  And I mean the name had “panda” in it, so it has to be fabulous.

Do we have a baby name?

We have a top name.  Andrew and I are keeping it just between us ;)

Thank you for all your input and support so far as I go through this new life stage!<3


  1. Love the update! :)

    I have 2 children and have done in-home daycare for 13 years… taking care of countless new babies… the one book + DVD that has saved me with newborns is Dr. Harvey Karp’s “Happiest Baby On The Block”. I’d recommend first reading the book (more details) and then watching (and owning) the DVD to watch the techniques being done. His techniques to calm babies WORK! Saved me so many times with the intense babies I seem to be good at growing. ;)

    • I second that. Harvey Karp is awesome! I fell like there are so many books out there where parents are trying to “handle” or “manage” their baby, he is much more loving and more intune with intuitive parenting.

  2. My husband is 6ft 5in tall, and our baby was measuring big and very long my entire pregnancy so we thought, “eh, don’t bother with newborn stuff. Go with the 3mon clothes to save money.” WRONG!! Wilder was born almost 8lbs and NONE of his clothes fit! Our sympathetic lactation consultant nurse gave us 3 newborn outfits someone had donated to her office just so we could have him wear at least something that didn’t fall off of him until we could go out 2 days later and get him a few outfits. I never dreamed he’d be as little as he was when it came to clothes fitting him. Might be a good idea to have at least 5-6 outfits she can wear when first coming home so you’re not running around like a headless chicken like we were!

  3. Good thing you posted a pic of the Snoogle, because I had NO idea what you were talking about. It looks like it’d be suuuuuper comfy to sleep with though!

  4. Thanks for the update! Love hearing all about it :) I have an 8th month old who was 8lbs 3oz at birth and he still fit in newborn clothes for a few weeks and 0-3 month clothes for a couple months, so I would definitely recommend getting some of those size! Thanks for the book recommendation, I want to check it out!

  5. I appreciate you sharing your pregnancy experience. My husband and I are not near wanting children yet, but I am thankful for this space now and when that day comes. You look super pretty, Kylie! I hope you have a great day. :)

  6. Panda white! HOW CUTE.

  7. Koala baby blanket sooo cute! What’s the brand? I can only read “& friends” :).

  8. Glad you are feeling better! My son was 7.5 lbs when he was born and I only had 1 newborn outfit, the 0-3 month size swallowed him up! I’d get a few newborn sized clothes just to have for the first 2 weeks. Read the baby books and get some ideas but just know that you will know what’s right for your baby and your family. 

  9. I’m so excited for you Kylie, and so glad that you are feeling better in your second trimester! I loved being pregnant and all the changes that came along with your body growing a tiny human :) treasure each moment of being pregnant, it goes really fast! I ended up having a c-section and actually love my scar, it reminds me of Isabelle! :) glad you love the changes your body is making for your little bundle of joy!

    PS: I completely agree with the others on having 5/6 newborn outfits :)

    • Glad you commented, Zehra :) I love hearing how much you enjoyed pregnancy! I’m trying to be more patient, present, and NOT focus on wishing baby was already here, but instead focus on how unique and special this growing baby time is :)

  10. Honest Company has some great things! We use their diapers (and delivery is AWE-SOME!). Their swim diapers are great, sun screen, bug spray, bubble bath….lots of good stuff.

    • Glad to hear you like Honest Company! I wasn’t sure if they were just a trendy, overpriced brand or what! So much of their stuff looks great to me! I have so many childhood memories of epic bubble baths…gonna need a generous bubble bath supply for sure :)

  11. Loving the pregnancy updates! How crazy that your baby’s hand is the size of your thumbprint?! Ahhhh! Happy to hear you are feeling better as well! :)

  12. Okay, first of all the snoogle totally reminds me of that movie with Jennifer Lopez…. hang on I’m googling… The Back Up Plan! Tell me you’ve seen that and know why I’m laughing right now. :)

    Second, I think when I hit puberty I literally grew breasts overnight…. something happened because all of a sudden I had C cups and seriously stretch marks all over them from the beginning. And the funniest part was that I was never ever self conscious about them… even in my eating disorder. It was just something I had, and I honestly never even noticed that other people didn’t. It wasn’t till maybe 6 months ago when my counsellor asked me if I ever felt self conscious about my stretch marks, and I was like, “Is that a thing? Um, I don’t know, I never thought about it…” and it was after that point that I started to notice that everywhere you went you saw things like, “Banish the stretch marks with our cream!”, or “Spread coconut butter on EVERYTHING before they show up!”

    And honestly, I still don’t get it. I actually think stretch marks are super cool! They’re like zebra stripes, and who wouldn’t want to be a zebra?! Whenever I see them, it’s like, “Oh yeah! That’s where I put my war paint to get me through the day! I totally forgot what I painted it on!”

    Just my way of looking at it. Rock those stretch marks lady! <3

    • I haven’t see that movie!! Sounds like I need to!

      And –> “who wouldn’t want to be a zebra?!” That’s a great viewpoint. Perhaps my baby nursery should be zebra theme lol <3

  13. I love these updates! My best friend is pregnant at the moment and the first thing we all noticed was how fast her boobs were growing! (we have a very, very close relationship) She kept persisting with her normal bras until she nearly popped out of one in the operating room (she’s a doctor)! Lesson: buy bigger bras when you need to! Also…I’m not pregnant but I feel like I would love a snoogle!

    • haha love y’alls close relationship lol! Yeah, boobs popping out is a thing I can totally relate to! I totally need to buy a bigger bra! I don’t know why I haven’t yet.

      You should totally buy a snoogle just because it’s fab!

  14. I’m so excited for you both! I’m sure it’s been recommended to you but ‘The Happiest Baby on the Block’ by Harvey Karp was a lifesaver for my husband and I after we had our first kid. I’m a very logical person and it describes things in a very logical yet accessible manner. It mostly talks about getting babies to sleep better.

    And the Snoogle is so life changing especially once your belly gets bigger.

  15. Do they make that romper for adults too?!! So cute!
    All your updates are just making me more and more excited for you and Andrew.

  16. Girrrrl enjoy that second trimester wonderland! I felt so good from like 12 weeks to 28 weeks and then it hit me like a brick wall overnight and all of a sudden I have to choose between exercise or errands or else I am physically too exhausted to eat dinner (let alone cook it!) Ha! I am loving how pregnancy is such a new experience where I have to practice intuitive eating in ways I’ve never been challenged before (like only having room in my stomach for a mini meal or snack at one sitting) but what a miracle it is and after a history of not having a period due to disordered eating and overexercising, I am especially grateful for what my body is capable of! Love your comparison of stretch marks showing you how life will always be different from here on out- had not thought about it that way but I love it! Sending all my warmest wishes!

  17. While it’s true babies don’t need the nursery ready right away, I highly recommend getting it all together before they come. We had almost all of it done but I had no time or energy to finish the little details once the baby arrived! It was much easier to do beforehand!

  18. Pingback: Day in the Life // Jackson Hole – Yeah…Immaeatthat

  19. Pingback: August Pregnancy Update: 27 weeks – Yeah…Immaeatthat

  20. Pingback: Day in the Life // Jackson Hole – immaEATthat

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