




We spent the week at Casa Dorada in Cabo San Lucas.  Loved every second of it! We ate breakfast in our room every morning (eggs + tortillas + fruit) and then ate the rest of our meals out.  Most of the non-breakfast food pictures are hyperlinked to the restaurant. 

Here are a bazillion photos!!!

Honeymoon (35 of 35)

Honeymoon (3 of 35) Honeymoon (1 of 35)Honeymoon (2 of 35)

Honeymoon (4 of 35) Honeymoon (5 of 35) Honeymoon (6 of 35) Honeymoon (7 of 35) Honeymoon (8 of 35) Honeymoon (9 of 35) Honeymoon (10 of 35) Honeymoon (11 of 35) Honeymoon (12 of 35) Honeymoon (13 of 35) Honeymoon (14 of 35) Honeymoon (15 of 35) Honeymoon (16 of 35) Honeymoon (21 of 35)


 Honeymoon (24 of 35)Honeymoon (22 of 35) Honeymoon (25 of 35) Honeymoon (26 of 35) Honeymoon (27 of 35) Honeymoon (28 of 35) Honeymoon (29 of 35) Honeymoon (31 of 35) Honeymoon (33 of 35) Honeymoon (34 of 35)  Honeymoon (30 of 35) Honeymoon (32 of 35)


  1. This looks FABULOUS! Glad you enjoyed your time and congrats!!

  2. that blue ocean water is incredible!!

  3. Looks like you had fun on your honeymoon. Congrats!
    All the food looks so good. I wish I can just grab some of it right off the screen! haha.

  4. Welcome back!!!! Your pics are gorgeous and it looks like you guys had the best time! I especially loved the champagne corks labeled “honeymoon”. Bryan and I did the same thing with the champagne we drank the night we were engaged!

    How does it feel to be back to reality? (only married!)

    • Feels different and wonderful for sure! But I still can’t say he’s “my husband” with a straight face…it’s just too crazy!

  5. So cute — congratulations Kylie! Looks like you really enjoyed yourselves! Love the shot of the corks. Best wishes!!! <3

  6. AHHHH I can’t deal. Looks like an absolutely amazing time!
    Congratulations again, you two!! I wish you a ton of good times in your beautiful kitchen with your amazing, colorful kitchen tools and plenty of cookie dough. ;)

  7. You’re SOOOO cute/pretty/I want to be you! Mexican food is the best. I really need scrambled eggs and thick tortilla chips now. Like midnight now. My parents own a rental property on the beach in Cabo if you ever wanna go back!

  8. congrats! I had just checked back to see if you’d surfaced on the other end, looks like a great finale, I can imagine all the work and planning that went into the wedding so glad to see it went well!

  9. Congrats! Your honeymoon looked both beautiful and delicious :)

  10. Just found your blog this weekend, and you are the funniest thing ever. I read through a bazillion of your recipes just because I like your stories so much (and the food was great too). Also, I have to tell you that I LOVE Kinder Bueno bars. I studied abroad in Spain, and no one there snacks…ever. So I used to sneak off to the corner store to buy Kinder Bueno bars and giant bags of potato chips to stuff my face with until dinner. Then I’d hide them in my room so my host family wouldn’t find them and think I was hungry and that the food wasn’t good etc. etc. Promise I’m not a weirdo though.

    Glad you had fun in Cabo!

    • Haha that is too funny!! I’m now obsessed with those Bueno bars…so good. I need to find them in Texas! I’m thinking of searching World Market…fingers crossed:)

  11. Your pics look like you had a great time! Congratulations! Or shall I say- Felicidades! Glad you got some yummy Mexican food in your belly too.

  12. Um this is possibly the best round up of vacation/honeymoon photos I’ve ever seen? It just tells such a great story. And yay you’re back!! I’ve been missing your posts.

  13. Geez. I can’t believe you are married! It feels like just last week you were linking to instagram pics about trying on wedding dresses and discussing your dad in all of the wedding decisions. Haha. Crazy. I will miss all of the wedding talk interspersed in your recipe posts!

    You sure do know how to tempt us don’t you? Amazing food and beautiful scenery. Warm warm weather. Gah!

    It looks like you got your fill of Mexican food though! Wasn’t that #1 on the list for a successful honeymoon? ;)

    Oh, and congratulations!!

    • Haha, YES!!!! Mexican food was very high on the list of honeymoon essentials:) I can’t believe I’m about the say this but…I am a little guacamole-ed out. I didn’t think that could happen but I ate soooo much on the trip!!

  14. These are BEAUTIFUL pictures! Looks like y’all had a wonderful trip :) My husband and I went on an eastern Caribbean cruise for our honeymoon and re-booked on board (hooray for discounts!) for a western trip next year… Hope y’all get a chance to go back!

    • So fun!! We watched the cruise ships come into Cabo every morning and watched them leave at night. Made us want to go on a cruise! Looks so fun!

  15. YAY! eat all the tortilla chips.
    Looks like you had fun! Congrats girlie

  16. Pingback: Macadamia Nut Banana Cookies | Yeah...imma eat thatYeah…imma eat that

  17. I. Love. These. Pictures. So glad y’all had fun! Happy marriage to you!

  18. Ahh! are you just so so glad the wedding is over? I’m in the stage now where I’m freaking out about everything! The Big Day is May 3rd but there still seems to be so much to do! Any post-wedding tips for not wanting to immediately elope??

    Also, did you enjoy Cabo as a honeymoon destination? We still haven’t booked yet but are looking for something warm, relaxing, and low key! Did you get an all-inclusive resort?

    Sorry for all the questions :)

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  24. I. Love. These. Pictures.

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  26. Pingback: Date Night at RA Sushi – immaEATthat

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