



Food we ate, Chapter 5.

Hello, Saturday! We had an unexpectedly busy week. We toured some houses in the suburbs, which has opened a whole can of worms. But, it’s a can of worms I really like! I enjoy weeks that have a lot going on, so this week was a blast to me…Andrew on the other hand felt somewhat differently lol. We’ll see were the next few weeks takes us. Here are some snapshots of food from our week.

I see clients Friday late afternoon/evening and when I got home Andrew was like, “we’re going out!” Us switching roles is one of the best things for our marriage – specifically, him having to do full-time childcare for a block of hours. It gives him understanding and compassion for what I go through with the kids during the week and me the same for what he does the bulk of the week. I can not explain how important this is to me and the wellbeing of our marriage. This is probably the single greatest act he does for me in the week that makes me feel loved, cared for, and understood. It’s insanely important to me.

Tex-mex! I held a fussy baby the entire time and was overrrr it. Leah won’t let Andrew hold her sometimes, which is defeating feeling and overwhelming to both me and Andrew. And then when we were leaving our sprinting 4 year old nearly knocked down a waitress carrying a tray of margaritas. I was like, “let’s get out of this place ahhhhh!” And it was raining. It was just a messy night.

I was on the way to Costco and was thinking I could just shop real quick, but then I caught myself with Costco is never “real quick”, so I stopped at Salata for a wrap that I ate in the parking lot, while listening to a podcast on hope that was really beautiful.

One night for dinner I didn’t have an appetite. The intensity of maybe, possibly moving was taking its toll, so I just had a couple slices of sourdough topped with nutella and called it a night.

Another night we scooted through Chick-fil-A for dinner.

One night, stir-fry + red wine! I love me a diet coke, but I HATE diet coke with Asian meals…the flavor combo is all wrong to me. Asian food was made to go with juice (especially, orange juice) or wine in my opinion. However, tex-mex was made to go with a bubbly diet coke or a margarita. These are the facts! I kid.

Anddd the big girls now won’t touch stir-fry, but are down for edamame.

Another night, another stir-fry!

Dinner – rotisserie chicken + salad + roasted sweet potatoes + chick-fil-a sauce + juice.

For lunch one day – roasted cauliflower, sourdough, and turkey + cheese roll-ups.

A snack of fried cheese wrapped around a pickle + sourdough.

Breakfast – nutella crepe + eggs + latte.

Breakfast – nutella sourdough + eggs + latte.

A Jeni’s date with my girls, which was a hot mess in so many ways, but the ice cream was good.

Caesar salad + roasted potatoes + steak.

I’ve got a baby attacking me, so there is the post. Hope you have a good weekend:) I know I’m going to need an escape from the intensity house stuff and kids, so I picked up Fourth Wing to read. Have you read it? I’ve heard good things.

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