



Food we ate, Chapter 7.

For our dinners this week, this was the week of the tacos!

I made our go-to pulled pork recipe, which is simply a pork shoulder + 1 can Dr. Pepper + 1 bottle BBQ sauce all put together in a crockpot and cooked on low for 8 hours. Then I broil the portion of the meat we will be eating to crisp it up. We had back-to-back tacos dinners!

night one: bell pepper, green onion, avocado, sour cream, lime juice. yum.

night two: basically the same as night one. I like this crockpot meal, but I have such a hatred for cleaning the crockpot. It feels like such a pain to me! One of these taco nights I went back for seconds, so I thought I’d add a reminder here for another way to think about seconds.

One night Andrew’s mom made us dinner! It was this really good swiss chicken + bread + salad. Yay for not having to cook.

After that brief hiatus from mexican food, we got right back to mexican food the following night with quesadillas made with the leftover pulled pork. I really liked these quesadillas, which were just pulled pork, green onion and cheddar cheese. The tortillas are this AMAZING corn-flour blend tortilla that is a doughy dream.

Yesterday evening Leah was sick and I was worried about her, so I cuddled her in bed while watching Flipping 101 instead of cooking anything. I instead Uber Eats’d us dinner from Mendocino Farms. They have this Thai salad that is so good. It’s filled with mint, basil, pickled daikon, these ramen noodles with just this like excellent substantial texture and a great thai dressing…I love it.

Tonight I’m making us these ribs from The Kitchn + roasted sweet potatoes and it sounds soo good to me. Then we’re watching golf all weekend and working on home projects. I hope you have a good one!


  1. Thank you for these weekly posts! I genuinely look forward to them for ideas of foods to make for our weekend and upcoming week. On the weekend, I like to look at a cookbook and see if anything catches my eye to make for a fun, usually more labor intensive meal for the weekend. Alas, I couldn’t find anything inspiring, but then received your email and was instantly hooked on the pulled pork idea! I’ve been a blog reader of yours for years and always try to share your blog with friends and colleagues (I’m a new RD as of October). Thank you for always bringing me the ED recovery content I have needed as well as the well rounded food content that I have craved as well. Looking forward to the pulled pork!

  2. Hi Kylie, Thanks for sharing! – love your thoughts and ideas I highly recommend the Reynolds crock pot liners (or another brand). Game changer!!  :)

  3. We moved to Tennessee from Houston over a year ago and I still dream about those tortillas from HEB!!

    • Hahah they really are great. ANDDDD we did get El Tiempo tonight which is arguably the best Mexican food ever haha. Hope you are enjoying Tennessee tho, how wonderful to have something other than concrete around you lol. My sister went to school in TN and I remember it being so beautiful every time we visited.

  4. Love these posts!! They help me so much with meal ideas! 

  5. i swear by crock pot liners!! GAME CHANGER!!

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