



Thoughts at the end of October.

1. I ordered this matching set from Amazon. When I tried it on, my 5 year old said: “No fair! Why are YOUUUU the only one who gets to dress like an astronaut?!” I returned it.

2. Alyssa and I convinced our husbands to come on her podcast! We discussed the marriage chapter from Habits of the Household. Andrew and I got Mexican food right before and I told him we were both limited to 1 margarita…but then I had two.

3. I’m opening an online shop soon! There were a few passion project type of products I wanted to create, so I did! Because I’m me and this is so similar to Soft + Strong Market, I had to get Morgan’s blessing to go this alone. I’m waiting on the last shirt design to arrive, but thinking the products will be live next week. I’ll do a post when it’s ready to go. The shop will only be open for a couple weeks and then I’ll close it until the next time I have another bunch of products I want to create. Here’s a sneak peek:

Product list

candle making

candle made!

adult long sleeve tee

label inside the tee


fridge magnet

This will be the first launch of a product collection (or really any business pursuit I’ve done) that I didn’t hide behind a brand (immaEATthat, soft + strong market) and instead put my name on it.

4. I’ve been making so many pumpkin recipes that I’m nearly pumpkined out! And, it’s not even November! Currently just baked this pumpkin bread. Ella was having a hard time, so I asked her to bake with me and that always puts a pep in her step. Also, I rarely make the same recipe twice. I live for variety in food and in everything else. Bring me all the change!

5. Scott Erickson said this on Substack this week and the accompanying art…I mean, just brilliant.

“The creative practice, or any practice really (spiritual, physical, mental), is not so much about accomplishing something as much as it is keeping the Fire of Life alive in oneself. ⁣

Your fire can go out. The drenching malaise of binge worthy television, destructive news narratives, and body shaming advertising will slowly kill you over time. Wonder, curiosity, imagination, risking, doing, trying, being… these are the warm flames of Life in the coldest of seasons.⁣

I don’t know what your life is like now. But I’m guessing there is some kind of pain that wants to extinguish any kind of spark within you.”

Scott Erickson
Above art by Scott Erickson.


  1. Hi! Just wanted to say, I love your blog. I often find myself rereading your posts when I want/need to be calmed and re-centered. Your style of writing and your honest sharing of your thoughts and life often help me refocus on my own priorities. Thank you for being brave and vulnerable when sharing, it goes such a long way in helping others! ❤️

  2. I love the sticker on the water bottle. Some great thoughts here!

  3. I also rarely make a recipe twice. (My husband is not the biggest fan, but puts up with it.) New recipes help me keep the joy in eating.

  4. Thank you for sharing, Kylie! I loved yours and Morgan’s soft and strong things back in the day. I am already planning on purchasing the sticker and magnet. :)

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