



We’re having a baby!

I’ve been sooooo excited to tell you this! I’m answering some questions below on pregnancy so far! I’m curious to know if any of you guys thought I was pregnant?!  A couple of you emailed me asking why I stopped drinking alcohol…pregnancy is why!

First things first.  To any of my readers struggling with infertility or any single women who want a baby but it hasn’t happened yet, I send you the warmest hug.  I know posts like this can’t be easy to read and know you are in my thoughts and on my heart.   

How’d I tell Andrew?

We started trying to get pregnant last year and found out we were pregnant March 4th! When we started trying to get pregnant I bought some sparkly, baby shoes from Gap Kids. The morning I found out it was a Saturday at 6am and I woke up covered in sweat. I thought, “hmm. That’s never happened before.” I took a pregnancy test and sure enough…positive!

I waited until Andrew woke up and then stuffed the baby shoes with peanut butter and gave them to Maggie.

When Andrew came into our living room I was like, “what does Maggie have?” So he walked over and looked and said, “they’re little shoes.” Pause. “YOU’RE PREGNANT?!!”

And to give you a timeline, I quit my job at the private practice I was working at the day before I found out we were pregnant.  Oh life, that was fun timing.

Andrew has been fabulous.  When he leaves in the morning (99% of the time I’m still in bed) and he’ll give me a 30 second foot massage and if I’m already feeling nauseous he’ll say something along the lines of, “do what you need to do to grow that baby!”  It’s helped me feel supported and okay about the fact that I need to sleep 10 hours a night, nap during the day, and have zero interest in cooking us dinner.

We told both of our parents with onesies that we wrapped.  I’m bummed I didn’t get a photo of Andrew parents with their onesie! They were the first people we told and I was too excited to focus! Here are my parents :)

Are you having cravings?

Umm I don’t feel like my cravings are any stronger than they are when I’m eating when I’m not pregnant.  I love intuitive eating because you always get to tap into what sounds nourishing to your body.  I’ve been pondering if women and pregnancy cravings is a thing because it’s a socially acceptable time for you to have cravings.  I crave (and EAT!) specific foods when I’m pregnant and when I’m not pregnant.  So I don’t see many differences here, however I discuss food aversions below.

Any food aversions? 

YES! So many.  Many times there will only be one thing that sounds good for a meal, not because I’m craving it but because everything else sounds gross.  

You’re probably gonna laugh at this one.  The only thing that really made me want to gag for the first 2 months of pregnancy was even the thought of a latte lol.  As you know, I was SO a vanilla-latte-a-day person, but since being pregnant that is the only thing that sounds honestly vile to me.  They say your pregnancy cravings help you tune in to what nutrients your body is missing.  I kinda wonder if aversions work the same but opposite way…they let you know the nutrients your body has plenty of haha.  My body was like, “umm hey.  I think we good on the lattes” lol.  There is a recommended maximum amount of caffeine to have a day when pregnant, so I’m not too bummed my latte cravings have disappeared lol:)  

I have started to enjoy decaf caramel lattes recently! AND highly palatable foods are excellent at overriding the nausea.  Hello, all the chick-fil-a! They know me know at my local chick-fil-a and it makes me smile.

How are you feeling?

Since 8 weeks pregnant (April 1st) I’ve been feeling: Tired. Nauseous. Just feeling down/blue/not like myself.  There are a lot of times when I’m alone and I just yell, “EWWWWWW,” because I feel sick.   

I imagine that the tiredness + nausea + hormone shifts could be the factors making me feel blue.  I’ve also had some big life changes all at the same time with opening the private practice and then finding out about bambino (or bambina).  All the changes, all at once could be contributing to an unsettled and weirdly dissatisfied feeling.  A lot of days I feel it’s hard to feel good.  I’ve practically became self-care barbie over the past 3 years, which really helps me feel satisfied with life, however with pregnancy a lot of the things I do for self care don’t make me feel fulfilled anymore.  For instance, I loved taking myself on breakfast dates or going on walks while listening to podcasts, but with nausea, food aversions and exhaustion, those two self care activities aren’t satisfying anymore.  Maybe it’s pregnancy hormones running rampant or maybe it’s all the changes in my life, but I have felt more down lately.  Even writing the blog has been hard some days, which makes me very uncomfortable because I so rarely feel like blogging is a hard thing to do.  People say things start improving after the first trimester when the placenta is fully developed, which I guess lessens my hormonal load (or at least that’s what my pregnancy app says lol).

What’s up with hunger?

The biggest difference I’ve noticed is to my hunger level.  One night around 6wks pregnant I woke up at 4am feeling hungrier than I’d ever felt in my life.  I actually started crying because I was standing in my kitchen and didn’t know how to make the hunger go away.  Looking back now, I didn’t realize then that I was also starting to feel nauseous at this point + food aversions were high…all that mixed with hunger and exhaustion pushed me over the edge.  There are still times now I finish a meal off with a Clif bar or ice cream because I’m just hungry.

Cottage cheese + crunchy crackers have been my go to for the out of control hunger.  As long as I eat a size-able snack prior to going to bed I don’t wake up at 4am with a growling stomach.

I know my body knows how to gain weight in pregnancy.  I know logically that I don’t need to fear my hunger, however (being honest here) in the beginning the intense hunger was overwhelming.  There have been times when I’ve questioned my hunger.  Like thinking, “really body? You need more food right now? Okay!” For instance, when I JUST ate a meal and would feel like I ate nothing.  Many meals have been finished with a grapefruit the size of my face, toast topped with peanut butter + bananas + M&Ms, or ice cream.  Other times eating smaller meals every 1-2 hours works really good and keeps the nausea away.  There are also times I feel zero hunger, but I’m nauseous and eating makes the nausea seem less intense.  Intuitive eating in pregnancy is a new learning experience :)

I text Andrew all the time saying, “your child is eating all of my food.”  hehe.

How has your body image been?

More posts to come on this FOR SURE! I don’t spend a lot of time in the mirror.  I don’t avoid mirrors, but I also don’t stand in front of them turning from side-to-side looking at my body.  I put on makeup, make sure my outfit looks okay, and then I’m out the door.  Around week 7 I was still following my same routine of not spending my leisure time in front of the mirror.  Then one night when I was in the shower it hit me…”I don’t want to miss this! I don’t want to miss seeing my body change as I grow our baby!” Since then I’ve been looking in the mirror a lot more.  I’m really excited to see my body change.  AND I’ve also already had to get some preemptive support from another ED dietitian on my changing body.  I’ll be sharing my thoughts on all this later.  I was a bit frustrated with myself because I know not everyone gets the chance to grow a child and I should welcome all body changes in pregnancy, however this is a new experience for me and my body and self-compassion is where it’s at right now.  I have been preparing myself for these body changes and I want to share how I’m learning to take care of myself in this new experience.

When my OB brought up how much weight she’d like me to gain in pregnancy I said, “I won’t be weighing myself at home, but I know my body knows how to gain weight in pregnancy and I don’t need to micromanage it.” She agreed and we left it at that.

Any other changes?

My boobs! I finally have them! I honestly felt like they grew an entire cup size overnight.  So that’s been fun:)

Have any other questions? I’d love to answer them below.  Have any words of advice? I’d REALLY love to hear it below!

p.s. the fact that Oh, Joy has a baby line now.  OMGSH.  Coincidence? I think not. My child is gonna be clothed in so much color and many patterns.  I’ve already bought this because it’s a romper.  FOR A BABY!


  1. Congratulations!! Extra magnesium works miracles for nausea. Magnesium glycinate is a good oral form that’s readily absorbed. It made a difference in my second pregnancy with the sickness and helps prevent leg cramps

  2. Oh Happy Days!!! Oh Happy Days!!! I am SO SO SO excited for you. You are so wise and I am so glad you will have the opportunity to raise a wonderful, kind, wise future man or woman. I will be praying for you during the pregnancy and beyond. SO happy for you both!!!!

  3. Congrats!!!!!!! SOOOOO excited for you and Andrew!!!!!!!!! <333333

  4. OMG, BABIES! Congratulations, that’s so exciting! I can picture you being such an adorable and fun mama :)

  5. Congratulations!!!! 

  6. Congratulations! Reading this made me happy :) What an exciting / busy year for you! I majorly craved meat (steak and later chicken strips) and cheese when I was pregnant and I normally don’t really care about either of those things, I’m more of a carb person. The only aversion I had was cooked spinach…who knows!

  7. Congrats!  I thought you were pregnant lately when you’ve been writing about not wanting to cook much.  I have recovered from anorexia and also given birth to two amazing boys.  My body imagine was actually the best during my pregnancies.  After having my second baby six months ago, I’ve been struggling a bit as my body didn’t go back to “normal” like it did after my first pregnancy.  I’m also exhausted which amplifies all the negative feelings.  But really, since I’m in such a good place in my recovery, I remind myself what’s really important in life and my yucky body feelings don’t take over.  You are doing the right thing by talking about your thoughts with a therapist.  Embrace the changes and soak it all in.  Time will move faster once that sweet baby is born!

    • Also, with my first pregnancy I had basically no cravings.  My second pregnancy was craving central!  I was much more nauseous the second time, but I also wonder if I just allowed myself to feel the cravings this time around because I was so much stronger in my recovery and was eating more intuitively.  I wonder if I shut down the cravings with my first pregnancy. 

  8. Ah yay!!! Congratulations! I’m so excited to follow along with your journey. Thanks for sharing details with us. It’s so helpful! We’re trying to grow our family now too so I’ll be excited to read anything you want to share with us:) enjoy this season!!

  9. Congratulations! I’m so excited to hear about your journey. Thanks for all you share!

  10. Congratulations Kylie!! Such exciting news :)

  11. Congratulations! I look forward to reading about all the new experiences. Hope all goes well! :)

  12. Ohmygosh congratulations, Kylie!! You both will be such loving, wonderful parents. Is Maggie excited? ? I can’t wait to hear about your experiences!

  13. Congratulations!!

  14. Yay!! Congratulations! I have been reading for a while, but my first time commenting ?. I am so excited for you and Andrew! Growing a family is so fun! I am currently pregnant with my fourth, and I will say pregnancy has really helped me become an intuitive eater. I have basically craved/enjoyed eating mostly the same foods with all my pregnancies (boys or girls- 2 of each). And I completely agree with trusting your body to know how much weight to gain. I have roughly gained the same amount of weight with all of my pregnancies, and it really feels like my body just knows what to do. No need to micromanage, like you said. Again, I am so happy for you and Andrew!
    PS- And things get SO much better once the nausea goes away!!

  15. Yay congratulations!!! My only suspicion was yesterday (i think?) when you said there are some things causing emotion and changing your eating that you will talk about soon.. haha. That was such a great idea to tell your husband using the dog, i love it. You guys will be great parents !! 

  16. Congrats!!!

    Love your blog and SO happy for you guys!! Looking forward to future posts!

  17. YAYAYAY! So happy for you guys, you’re going to be the best mama out there! Your little one is so very lucky :)

  18. So so so happy for you friend! Very exciting news and congrats to you both :)

  19. Congrats! I am so excited for you both! You are going to be such great parents… I hope you find something self-care wise that speaks to you…. I highly recommend a regular pedicure ❤️ Much love

  20. Congratulations, Kylie! So excited for y’all.

    I did suspect that you were pregnant when you mentioned several times not feeling like cooking lately. I didn’t cook AT ALL during my first trimester (actually the first 22 weeks) because of how exhausted and nauseous I was, so it made me go hmm… :) But I basically had hyperemesis gravidarum for the first 20+ weeks–the only reason that I didn’t get the official diagnosis is that I managed to keep down enough water that I never got so dehydrated that I had to go to the hospital. So my food aversions were basically everything that was not carbs.

    I also had the exact same experience with food cravings while pregnant (once I was actually able to eat) because I was well into my intuitive eating journey at that point. It was not really any different from my experience pre-pregnancy. I already was letting myself eat what my body was wanting when it wanted it, so pregnancy didn’t feel like this “permission” to actually let myself eat what I wanted. It was actually a super cool and fun confirmation that my mindset really had changed.

  21. CONGRATULATIONS!!!  You and Andrew will be such awesome parents!!!  I loved how you “told” him & I bet Maggie did too!  She will be a great big sis :)  My pregnancy was a breeze…the hard part was after he came out (lol)!  He’s 23…they grow up so fast :(  Enjoy every second of this newest chapter of your life!!!

  22. Congratulations!!! xxxx

  23. Congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you and Andrew! It’s going to be awesome, exhausting, life changing and absolutely incredible!

  24. Congratuluations!! I am so excited for you and Andrew! Any thoughts on names yet??

  25. OMG Congratulations!!!!!!!!! That is SO exciting and I wish you and Andrew the best of luck and enjoyment in this new journey!!!! So thrilled for you both :)

  26. I knew the second you posted “grapefruit juice :)” at the brewery! haha What an exciting time in y’all’s life!! Congrats!!!

  27. Congratulations! So excited for you.

  28. So excited for you guys!! Congratulations again! :)

  29. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing! So excited to follow your pregnancy journey!!

  30. Congrats Kylie!!! So exciting :) I haven’t actually met you but I feel like I know you- I’m the other RD that works for Nutshell Nutrition with Robyn. I’m so looking forward to hearing more about your pregnancy perspectives as I’m 26 weeks pregnant with our first little boy!! Such a gift of a feeling!

  31. Congratulations!! Being pregnant is pretty much the best thing ever. I’m currently 35 weeks with our first child and every single day I love it even more. I can’t wait until you feel him or her move! It’s completely magical.❤ thank you so much for being sensitive in knowing that women struggle with seeing other people’s pregnancy announcements. As someone who has waited for our little one for 2 years and gone through a lot to get here, it is greatly apprecited. I wish you the best of luck on this amazing journey!

  32. Congratulations!!
    I had a feeling you were pregnant… so much talk of life changes i figured it couldn’t just be the new job!
    Thank you for being so honest with your readers about the ups and downs you’ve been facing – change is hard even with the added hormones!! Therapy has been the best thing I’ve ever done and I’m glad you are finding the support you need! And I’m glad you’ve continued to write even though it can be tough sometimes – I love your posts!!
    Also, with regards to the insatiable hunger – I joked with my family when I was early on in eating disorder recovery that I was eating/ looking like a pregnant woman because no matter what I ate I was SO hungry all the time – I told myself my body was craving the nutrients I had denied it for so long. I’m so glad your body is demanding nutrients for your baby – you and Andrew will be great parents!!

  33. Kylie! Congratulations this is amazing! A few posts back you mentioned tracking your cycles and noticing bloating around ovulation, and I thought “hmm I wonder if there will be little in the near future!” and I’ve 100% wondered where your vanilla lattes had gone. In watching my sister’s pregnancy and breastfeeding journey (she’s a normal eater) her body has taken excellent care of itself in each step as she followed its signals. She was put off by the overwhelming hunger during pregnancy, and especially with BF, but she honored her hunger and did what she needed to do and her body took care of itself AND feeds this whole other person and its all okay. I love the prospect of pregnancy when my irrational brain wants to diet and exercise and I’m like NOPE we have better things to do one day. So so excited for y’all. Congratulations to you and Andrew!!

  34. Yay congrats! Praying for a healthy baby! God bless :)

  35. Oh my gosh – congratulations, Kylie!

    I’m so happy for you and I wish you a healthy pregnancy!

    I feel you on the aversions (I didn’t want to touch bananas or veggies for a long time), and I never experienced weird cravings either. It was more that foods I already loved (hummus, pizza, Mexican food) tasted extra delicious to me.

    Congrats again! <3

  36. Amazing!!! So happy for you three :)!!!

  37. SO happy for you guys!! And I love your honesty in this post – thank you for sharing. CONGRATS!! Can’t wait to give you a big hug in person in a couple weeks!

  38. Congratulations Kylie!!!! I’m so happy for you and your family! This is such an exciting and wonderful time :-) ❤️❤️

  39. I’m an ED Dietitian also and had my first baby back in January. And I remember my clients asking me how intuitive eating during pregnancy was different and I was like…it’s just SO different! It’s definitely a whole new ballgame. But, yes the aversions are totally real! I all of a sudden hated hot coffee and ice cream (such a sad thing), but for whatever reason LOVED Chex mix? So weird. I know they say if you crave salty it’s a boy and sweet it’s a girl. I know that sounds silly and I didn’t give it much attention, but it was actually totally true in my case. I loved salty foods during my pregnancy and had a boy. Anyway, happy for you and excited to read about your journey! When are you due? And will you find out the gender?

    • Also, they say preggy pops are great for nausea…I don’t know if that’s true..but they are delicious. So, there’s that.

  40. I’m so excited for you!!! I love all of the info you are sharing through this experience! I hope it helps a lot of future mommies out there!! ❤️❤️

  41. Such wonderful news, so happy for you!!! I loved reading this, I’m almost 36 weeks pregnant and was only about a year “recovered” (always working on it) from my ED & HA when we got pregnant. It’s truly been amazing and magical, yes with a few times here and there questioning my food choices or hunger, but nothing too terrible. I can soooo relate to so much of what you’re saying. What you were saying about cravings, felt like you were reading what my mind’s been thinking haha. Anyway, truly happy for you & Andrew. Such a big blessing. For me, this was why I worked so hard to regain my LIFE back, so that we could start a family. I know that is true for you too. Enjoy this time and your pregnancy, it goes fast!

  42. Congrats!!!! So exciting. I’m so excited to hear your tips/thoughts on pregnancy and raising a child before I get there someday… looking forward to learning more!

  43. Congratulations! I DID have a little curiosity when you said you didn’t feel like cooking lately!
    I’m a Mom of 5 and my advice is this- keep doing what you are doing and trust your body. In my pregnancies I always gained over half my weight in the first 20 weeks then it evened out. Through intuitive eating my weight gain was smack dab in the middle of the “recommended” amount. That was interesting to see unfold.
    Enjoy the journey. I have a feeling you will most likely be feeling more chipper in about 4-8 weeks.
    Sending love!

  44. Oh my gosh!!! Congrats! I’m so excited for both of you!

  45. Congrats to the both of you! I can’t wait for more posts! I find it very interesting to read how you deal with pregnancy and intuitive eating!

  46. Yay! I’m so happy for you! My husband and I just started trying for a baby so your story makes me happy. I am curious though, was the waking up sweating your only clue to being pregnant? I’ve never heard anyone else say that before. Oh well, I hope you have a safe, blessed pregnancy! ♥

    • Sweating was my first clue too!

    • I’d read so many stories of women saying, “I knew I was pregnant when x happened!” There were so many different ‘x’s’…so I was just on the lookout for anything that seemed out of the ordinary!

      When I woke up covered in sweat I was like, “hmmm that’s never happened before…perhapssss?!” And sure enough!

  47. Congrats to you & Andrew!!! I can’t wait to follow you on this journey! I won’t be having kids for like, 6 or 7 years, lol – but I’m excited to read about your experience with intuitive eating + body image during pregnancy that I can remember when the time comes for me to grow a little bambino of my own. (PS now it makes sense why you were talking about if pregnancy cravings are actually a thing on Georgie’s podcast (; )

  48. Oh my gosh congratulations!! Loved your Instagram video!! By the way – totally feel the same way about pregnancy cravings being socially acceptable, but those aversions are no joke!

  49. sending you the biggest hug! i was listening to your podcast on food psych and have so many questions, thoughts, and talks. will reach out later in the week :)

  50. Hey there! I found your blog after listening to the episode you were on with Food Psych and I just love reading it and following your posts on Insta :) I started IE just a few months ago and still have super difficult days, your blog is a bright spot in those days when I need some IE encouragement so thanks so much for that! And above all, CONGRATS! Also, I really appreciate your note at the top of this post. I am not in that population that is struggling or anything but have several close friends that are struggling and just really love the intention of having that disclaimer :) Just shows a lot about your character I think. ALSO, I am a professional counselor (LPCA) and really loved your self-care post the other day. :)

  51. THAT’S WHY YOU BROUGHT UP PREGNANCY AND FOOD AVERSIONS AT THE END OF GEORGIE’S PODCAST! SOO beyond excited for you! I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately as I’m getting married to my fiance in two months and have been fielding the “when are y’all gonna have a baby?” questions already. Initially I was scared, like deathly afraid, of having a baby because of the changes it would do to my body..until this week when I realized how incredibly selfish that is for me to not bring life into the world by putting my own self/desires first. Of course we’re trying to hold off on that until he’s out of the military in a few years so that our family is in a more stable environment. You’re going to be a great mom and your child is going to benefit so much from being surrounded by body positive messages. I hope I can do that for my children one day–I just have a bit of growing to do. Lots of love to you guys!

    • haha YES, Ali! When I brought it up on Georgie’s podcast my mind was all like, “wait I haven’t told blog readers yet. CRAP! Why did I start talking about this?!’

  52. The video on Instagram was the cutest!!! Congratulations!!!

  53. Whoaaaa congrats lady!!! Your email doing amazing balancing all these things! Can’t wait to see more fun pictures :)

  54. Congrats!! Pregnancy is such an exciting (but so challenging) time! I remember those first three months of morning sickness and being SO darn emotional because I felt like crap all day. BUT the second trimester was pretty awesome. Now that I’m in the third trimester and other annoying symptoms are coming up, I feel my emotional side coming back. It’s amazing how much our physical health really impacts out emotional health.

    P.S. The new caramel M&M’s are pretty awesome and baby has been loving eating a lot of them ;)

  55. So freaking excited for you!!! You’re gonna have one cool kid. Love the convo you had with your OB too.

    Also, I had no clue. Maybe it’s because I’ve never had a kid before? Hopefully I’ll be able to pick up on it when it’s one of my close friends, haha.

  56. I am literally SOOOO excited for you Kylie!!!! This is a precious time of life. You will be an amazing mother!! <3

  57. CONGRATULATIONS!! I had no idea!!
    I, for one, will be looking forward to those body image posts. At 32, I’m feeling more than ever the PRESSURE from society and my husband to have a child. But if I’m being completely honest, the whole body image issues thing just seems so overwhelming and terrifying to me!

  58. Congratulations! This is so exciting! I am currently pregnant (with a girl) and cycled between extreme nausea and extreme hunger in my first trimester. I had to have a snack before bed and had to eat right away when I got up in the morning. It really settled down for me around 11-12 weeks and I began getting my energy back around that time as well. This was totally different then when I was pregnant with my son! Chick fil a has been about the only chicken I can stomach this pregnancy, we go there often? Hopefully once you get to the second trimester you’ll be feeling more like yourself!

  59. Congratulations!!!

  60. OHMYGOSH KYLIE!!!!!  I am SOOO excited for you!!  I legit feel like one of my irl friends is pregnant, even though I know we’re only online friends.  But still, I FREAKED OUT when I saw the title of your post!!!  I am so eager and excited to go on this journey vicariously with you and am sending lots of hugs and congratulations to you and Andrew.  Can’t wait to meet your little raspberry! ????

  61. Congratulations, Kylie!!! I LOVE how honest you are (in this post + on your blog in general) and I am so, so excited for you and Andrew. YAY!

  62. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. Sounds like you and Andrew have a great thing going over there…and now you’re growing your family. Praise God!

    I’d love to know how you and Andrew worked out the non-cooking thing. That’s something I struggle with. My husband says it’s fine if I don’t want to cook, but I feel guilty if I don’t provide that. I love that you listened to what you needed, as I’m sure on top of everything, you were/are exhausted all the time…that on top of a new private practice. You GO girl! Proud of you.

    I love your blog. It’s helped me SO SO much.

  63. Kylie!!! I know I don’t know you in person, but hearing this news sends pure joy through me! I feel like I’ve been peaking into your life over the past two years and grown to feel like you’re a friend (even though we actually don’t know each other haha.) I wish you all the luck, hopefully your hormones begin to stabilize and you start to feel better. I’ve never been pregnant (clearly lol, I’m only 17…) but as to self care, essential oils REALLY help with anxiety/nausea/lifting my mood/any other emotion. There are so many oils with different uses, a quick search online will help you differentiate between all of them-lavender is my go to for anxiety. Splash them on your pillow before sleeping, put on your pressure points or put them in a diffuser and they really help :)
    Also, with nausea, I used to have insane stomach issues. So, clearly it’s different than being pregnant, but I always found that ginger chewing candies helped me!
    Cannot wait to hear more!! Good luck with everything XO

  64. So excited for you, Kylie! Through the aversions and nausea, it is bound to be a great journey for you and your husband!

  65. Congratulations! As the mom of two girls who are 14 and 19, pregnancy seems like a lifetime ago, so I have no pregnancy advice. I do remember loving it because it was the first time in my life that it was okay for my stomach to poke out and not be flat.

  66. I am so so excited for y’all! I didn’t catch all the little signs in your blog posts like about caffeine and alcohol. But I am very interested to see how intuitive eating works during pregnancy bc that’s something I’ve been wondering. Oh and how you teach your child to eat! I’ve been a fan of your blog for a while and can’t wait to see the exciting new things happening for you and Andrew. :)

  67. OMG!! I’m SO EXCITED! Somehow this has me more excited than even when my sister got pregnant! I guess it’s because your story has resonated so hard with mine. SO happy to hear that you are handling it in a wise manner and preemptively reaching out for help. I think God puts us in places that are difficult but joyful a lot of times so that we seek help but can also share our joy with other people. I personally am terrified of becoming pregnant because of the issues of body image. My body has been going through a lot of changes lately as I discovered my eating disorder and have been trying to pull myself out of it. It’s HARD! Lol But all the blessings in the world to you and your husband and your new little one, thank you for sharing your joy with us!

  68. Ahhh Kylie, congratulations! This is so unreal to me- I’m pregnant with my first due in a November too. The past couple months I’ve thought SO many times, “Man, I wish Kylie or Robyn were pregnant because I need some IE, body image, pregnancy wisdom.” So excited for you & Andrew- you will be such fun parents!! Take so much care of yourself & little baby and thank you SO much for sharing and being such a light❤

  69. When I saw this blog post on my feed, I had to do a double take but am so excited for this 4th addition to your clan (Maggie being the 3rd of course. ?) She or he is lucky to have you and Andrew as parents. So excited to hear more!!!

  70. Congratulations! Things will get sooooo much better after the first trimester! I felt like total garbage for the first 16 weeks but when the fog lifted the rest of my pregnancy was a dream! My strange aversion was to bananas and almond butter, a combo that I was literally obsessed with as part of my breakfast everyday before I was pregnant. In those early days, the only food that really sat well with me was cheese in any form – grilled cheese, cheese and crackers, give me all the cheese! I am so excited to follow your journey – best wishes to you!

  71. Congratulations!!!! So exciting! We’re 15 weeks pregnant and it’s so fun to follow along bloggers pregnant at the same time! I’ve been dealing with the nausea and fatigue something unreal! Also bigger boobs WHOA! Haha once I hit about 13 week the nausea subsided a little but it will still hit me out of the blue! Ahh so excited for you two and to follow this journey!
    We just found out what we’re having last weekend, will y’all be finding out?!

  72. Congrats!!! That’s so so exciting. I’m a fairly new blog reader but I love your posts so much, and I can’t wait to hear about your journey!

  73. Prince of Peace Ginger Candy Chews saved me during those times I was nauseous! I highly recommend them! Congrats!!

  74. YAY!!! I have been following you forever and love your posts and your mindset! So happy for you guys!

  75. Congrats Kylie! In yesterday’s post when you said tomorrow’s post will be a new one, I had no idea this is what you meant. So excited for you and Andrew!!!!

  76. Congrats! I’m a fellow RD and just had baby # 2. I remember fighting with my midwife during my first pregnancy about how much weight to gain- about 8 months after I had that baby I had trouble keeping weight on. Breastfeeding was burning up all my fuel! With my second, I let my body do its thing and I gained about 10 lbs more this round. Baby is almost two months old and I definetly have rough body image days and have to remind myself how amazing my body is for creating life and sustaining it. I just have to continue to trust my body. I’m digging deeper into intuitive eating and self care. Anyway- congrats and enjoy this wonderful, crazy experience! I mean really- you’re growing a human! That’s crazy!

  77. Congratulations Kylie&Andrew! That is so exciting and I’m so happy for you both. You will be such a great role model & mum! I had noticed that you were feeling a bit down lately (and thought about sending you a message to tell you how amazing you are and how you might not realize but that YOU are changing lives for the better -yes, just you and your blog!!!-) So if you ever feel down, scroll through all of the commends on your blog and allow yourself to believe how amazing you are. Congrats again and I can’t wait to follow along on your journey!

  78. Best post ever!!!! So happy for you! You continue to inspire me and will be such an awesome mom! Lucky baby!

  79. CONGRATS!!! I absolutely LOVE your reaction to your doctor about your weight. I hope I’ll be able to tell mine the same thing one day. Best of wishes and I’m so excited to hear how you grow through this journey :)

  80. Congratulations Kylie. I follow your blog and Instagram and had a wee tear in my eye reading you are having a baby. Such a precious time. My sister had her first baby in January and he brings so much joy to all our lives. I have been struggling with anorexia for 11 years now and I am still going…..reaching 30 a few weeks ago made me reflect on my life and my hopes for the future. Babies were always the dream, as it may not happen now, I am trying to be as present as I can in my nephews life. You bring inspiration and hope. I love your refreshing, humorous nature which makes recovery seem possible! Thank you and congrats x

  81. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have to admit, I was wondering why you suddenly switched to decaf coffee… Haha SO excited for you guys!

  82. Congratulations to you and Andrew and bambino/a
    Quick tips:
    – Have jolly ranchers or other hard candy nearby to help with nausea. Also eating every 1-2 hours is super helpful as you mentioned
    – Order or put on your baby registry a Miracle Blanket swaddler. It really is a miracle
    – Also, as much planning as you do for your birth plan just know that babies will do their own thing. I am a BIG planner by nature because I have anxiety but for some reason I decided to be quite laissez-faire about D-Day. “If I could do it natural, awesome if not also awesome.” I had a four hour natural labor. (This isn’t to brag, I absolutely do not take for granted my no fuss delivery)
    -Remebering that BILLIONS of women before me have done this was super comforting and encouraging

  83. Congratulations!!! This is such an exciting time in your life!! I am currently pregnant with baby #2 and am having a tough day of nausea and loved reading this happy news of yours! Have a healthy happy 9 months!!

  84. Congratulations!!!! I’m so happy for you both! I can’t wait to follow along with your journey into parenthood. It’s the best thing in the world!

  85. Congratulations! What an exciting time! I can’t wait to follow along as you grow your beautiful family! My best friend is pregnant at the moment and I love seeing which fruit compares to the size of the baby every week. Take it easy mama and grow that baby!

  86. OMG congratulations!! So happy for you and you are going to be an awesome mom. I myself am having a baby any day- due in two days actually- and it’s a wild ride! Enjoy what you can, ignore unhelpful advice and never feel guilty for rest. You’re very busy on a cellular level! I remember the hunger very vividly. My aversions were all things I normally love too but really are off limits for pregnant people (alcohol, runny raw cheeses, most fish/sushi). I found I craved more nutrient/calorie dense foods versus salads, veggies etc.

    Best of luck!!!

    • Yay for your coming little one! I find it so interesting that our pregnancy bodies are like “I’m going to make the foods that could harm your baby (alcohol, runny unpasteurized cheeses, etc.) sound super unappetizing.” So fascinating!!

  87. CONGRATS! So excited for you guys :) My best friend just told me she and her husband are having a baby, so I’m excited to see your journey through pregnancy and hopefully be able to support my friend well! Much love <3

  88. Pingback: Weekend! – Yeah…Immaeatthat

  89. I’m 11 weeks and I feel like you took ALL the thoughts out of my head and wrote them down. I’m missing my morning coffee too, but I CANNOT stomach it! Maybe later on. So happy for you! And glad to share this journey!

  90. Congrats! I’m on the journey myself and I look forward to reading your posts along the way!! I’m almost 7 weeks and haven’t told the family yet but we are planning to after my first OB appointment. Its an exciting time but I have the same feelings as you with some mild blues/sadness here and there and other life stressors such as work changes to make me feel not as excited. But I know my moods will go up and down so I am trying to focus on the positives :)

    Congrats again!!

  91. Congratulations! Just wanted to know if you recommend any books, apps, resources etc. for pregnancy that you’ve been using?


    • All the app and books I’ve read so far are awful lol! Super diet mentality! They don’t encourage body trust at all. I only use the app bc I like comparing the baby in size to a fruit lol. I’ll let you know if I find anything helpful :)

  92. Congrats! So happy for you guys and your next big adventure in life. :)

  93. Pingback: June Pregnancy Update: 17 weeks – Yeah…Immaeatthat

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