



2 meals I’ve enjoyed lately and 3 thoughts

  1. I want to start a series on the blog called, Questions My Daughters Ask Me. I told this to Andrew and he was just like, “oof.” In a way that communicated raising kids hits such a tender place inside and is a wonderful responsibility. I hope to share questions or conversations me and my girls have around eating and bodies. The other day at my 5-year-old’s school I heard one of the teachers say to her, “I need to lose some weight so I can wear your dress!” When we got home I acted super confused and asked her, “I heard Ms. So-and-so say she’s trying to lose weight. What does that mean?” 

Daughter: “Oh, it just means she can’t *wait* anymore.” 

I left it at that for now. No need to complicate things before they are complicated.

2. I made us lemon parmesan risotto for a salmon dish. With the leftover risotto the next night I added two eggs + sautéed green beans. It was great!

3. I’ve been making a Pistachio, Parmesan & Red Onion Pizza and it is phenomenal! I was watching Chef’s Table Pizza and one of the chefs shared it. Andrew got me an Ooni for my birthday a couple years ago and we use it weekly or more. It’s held up great. Here are the ingredients:

Dough: We follow the recipe on the Anna’s Extra Fine Flour bag. I love this dough. We make a batch of it every other week(ish) for Friday night pizza night and store uncooked dough balls in the freezer. They taste even better after being frozen – more fermented and greater depth of flavor.

Base: olive oil + minced garlic

Toppings: mozzarella, thinly sliced high quality parmesan, thinly sliced red onions, rosemary, and pistachios

Drink: A mom friend gifted me Mumm Napa’s Brut Rosé after I had Leah and it is so refreshing.


4. The biker short trend may be the greatest trend of all time. I am never going to stop wearing them. I have the Lululemon Align ones and I’m in love with them. I’ve started gifting them to people to convince them how wonderful they are. They are so comfortable and never ride up. An excellent functional short for doing stuff.

5. I always love How Sweet Eat’s Gift Guides. I will definitely be perusing those for gift ideas!

And, finally, look at this cutie baby! She is a non-colicky, dream baby. We put her in the Magic Merlin Sleep Suit last night and she slept 8pm to 6am. After our experience with not being able to get our first born to sleep, it is never wasted on me how grateful I am that her sleep is progressing so effortlessly on our part.


  1. Sharing your conversations with your daughters will be so helpful! And thank you for the shred of hope that some babies are good sleepers. Lots of anxiety surrounding #2 especially after a rough night with my toddler who has never liked sleep. So glad you are back in whatever way fits into your life :) 

  2. Once I started sharing things about Intuitive Eating with my daughters, now teens, they both tell me all the time how often their teachers and other adults make these disordered comments. I am so thankful they can roll their eyes and not internalize it. It’s so important to have those conversations! 

  3. I second that the align bike shorts are the best! I have one pair and they are easily my favorite ever! I love your daughter’s response. :)

  4. I’m pretty sure my one year old hasn’t slept through the night once haha! I would love to make that risotto! Is there a specific recipe you use? 

    • That sounds exhausting!! Some kids just don’t like sleep. My middle kiddo sleeps so hard, but my first born seems to need less sleep than her. Who knows!

      For the risotto I have been following the risotto recipe on the side of my arborio rice container. Here it is:

      2 tbsp olive oil
      2 tbsp butter
      3 tbsp shallots, minced
      5 tbsp dry white wine (if I have this I add it, but a lot of times I don’t and it still comes out great!)
      1 1/2 cup arborio rice
      4 cups hot chicken broth
      1 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
      1/2 tsp lemon zest

      Heat oil and butter in a large heavy saucepan. Add shallots and sauté over medium heat until shallots are tender, about 2 minutes.

      Add rice and stir until all grains are coated and slightly translucent, about 2 minutes. Add wine and stir over medium high heat until all wine is absorbed. Add about 1 cup of hot broth to rice and stir constantly until almost all the broth is absorbed. Continue to add hot broth, one cup at a time, stirring until liquid is absorbed, before adding more broth. Use enough broth to cook the rice until it is just al dente.

      Remove from heat and stir in Parmigiano-Reggiano and lemon zest.

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