



Food we ate, Chapter 46.

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I’ve felt a bit run down all week, then I ended up in bed with chills and a fever last night. I’m currently up at 2am watching Falling for Christmas on Netflix. I love that movie. The poking fun at influencers, Lindsey Lohan singing, the snow, the Overboard with Goldie Hawn plot…love it. My only complaint is her top lip filler. I hate how lip fillers or lip flips, or whatever they are called, look.

I have been training for a 5K basically for the last 3 years (slow and steady) as I dabble in running again, and it’s today at 7:30am…so I won’t be running it. I have a fever, congestion, and aches. So, the right choice is to just lay around and have Andrew take the lead on the kids. It speaks to how far I’ve come with what an easy choice it is to not run the 5k today. Such peace and ease. So great.

2am breakfast just now was oatmeal, walnuts and bananas and an iced latte:

I’m not the quickest to take medication for viruses/colds/etc., but last night I told Andrew I’d take whatever he brought me…Nyquil it was.

Jumping backwards into the week to when I was feeling better…

I’ve decorated for Christmas early this year! We decided we have a new family Christmas tradition of decorating for Christmas after Jo’s bday. Tree is up! We put it in the sunroom this year and it’s so great out there. To last us several meals I ordered us a large tex-mex to-go order. Fajitas on repeat, yum.

Jo’s bday was a blast and totally exhausting for Andrew and I! The theme was science experiments, hot chocolate and swimming – quite the plethora of things, but it’s all her favorites.

My six year old!

This is the best chocolate cake – chocolate ganache instead of buttercream for my chocolate loving girl.

Cake leftovers for a snack. Yum!

I’m still enjoying the ease of cereal. Had it for breakfast one day and for dinner one day.

One night I made spaghetti and meat sauce.

apples (sounded so good and fresh), spaghetti, wine.

Andrew and I cheers-ing to parenthood exhaustion and drowning in the whines of 3 girls who we adore and are fascinated by, but ay caramba it wears a person down. We are taking a trip to celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary soon (sans kids!) and saying we’re excited is an understatement. We’re going back to Cabo and WE ARE PUMPED.

I’m really enjoying documenting our weeks. Sharing in the blog format helps me be more reflective, present, and, maybe most importantly, positive throughout our weeks. Sharing on Instagram always felt like it did the opposite and added more chaos into our lives. I tend to gravitate towards negativity…so it’s good to have my brain look for the good, but still be tethered to reality (aka not an everything-is-good-all-the-time type of sharing). I hope you’re enjoying it as much as me and benefitting from it. I love hearing the little details of people’s life (like, getting sick as a mom and what that means for family life that weekend and how one rests, etc). Instagram and Tiktok are great resources for seeing those little detail, but I HATE the chaos Instagram brought to my ADHD brain and continue to be happy with the choice to delete my IG account. I just can’t handle it. There are family members and old friends who have moved away that I’d love to keep up with on IG, but unfortunately IG is a net negative to me. Anyways, all that to say, I hope you’re enjoying these posts and they bring something positive to your life.

I’ve been loving our house lately. When Andrew was gone for a work trip I was realizing how “me” parts of the house are and how “him” parts of the house and how much I love everything that me and him coming together has created. My mom has a sign that says, “all because two people fell in love.” I’ve always loved it.

Up next, I put some trail mix packs in my car for snack emergencies. A good recovery tenant I tell clients is to jump on hunger like it’s a bleeding wound, you can’t do that if you don’t have access to snacks. Had two of these for afternoon snacking one day!

One day Ella and I braved The Nutcracker Market. If you know, you know! It was fun and then Ella (4 years old) was done and I had nearly bought more Christmas presents than my arms could carry, but somehow managed to carry a million things and a 4 year old out the door.

One night, we hadn’t grocery shopped in a bit (because the alternator on my car went out/died/broke?…I don’t know what actually happens to it, but before Andrew fixed it I was stuck at home for a minute there) and I had no idea what to make, so I just sat down and let Andrew go for it.

We had cherry pie for an appetizer:

And then chicken:

…and called that dinner. It works.

I did enjoy a Morning Pages + coffee date morning before a full day of clients. These mornings are calm and magical and I usually run into someone from church or Morgan :)

Last but not least, I got to go to lunch with the big girls at elementary school. Was so good to see them in school with their friends.

And to see…they are okay. They are happy. They have some buddies. It soothed my mama heart for the moment…until I start worrying about them again. These girls are so precious and sacred, and I am so tired!

Still loving this salad – spring mix with red leaf lettuce (aka the best tasting lettuce), blue cheese, praline pecans, pears, grapes, lemony dressing. Yum.

Laundry is my “swallow the frog” task of the day. If I don’t do it first thing while watching the Today Show, it will not be happening. If I don’t have time to watch the news, then laundry will not be being folded. But mostly my brain thrives on novelty, so this changes weekly haha.

And, here’s a bit of holiday cheer! Vanilla latte + pumpkin loaf. Fa la la la laaaa la la la laaa.

Welp, I’m off to rest. Hoping to fall back asleep before the kids get up. I just turned on The Princess Switch to watch next. Andrew has plans to help with a project at the elementary school. Hoping I can rest, but that he can still pop out for an hour or so to help out the school. The parent involvement at our public elementary school is fire in the best way. Also, anyone have any ideas for a teacher bday party celebration? Trying to brainstorm ideas for Ella’s teacher.


  1. Hope you feel better soon, and glad to hear you enjoy sharing here. I love reading these weekly updates!

  2. Thank you for another great blog! I just love them!!
    Feel better soon!

  3. Love these posts, feel better soon!

  4. I’m really enjoying reading these posts! I first followed you on Instagram and the blog probably 5 or 6 years ago and it’s been nice to keep up and I love the meal ideas. My two kids are similar ages as your youngest two. I usually read your Saturday morning posts while I’m getting my baby down for her nap and I like it more than the chaos of scrolling instagram, like you said!

  5. Kiley,
    This blog is such a blessing! I started reading when I was in high school and it was a great resource as I navigated some disordered eating patterns/beliefs (along with sessions with an RD who had very similar principles to you). I really respected your decision to step away when you did as it was a great example of setting boundaries, doing what was best for you and your family. Just before you started up again, I had been struggling with beliefs surrounding food and body image. I am in a grad program with a lot of individuals who equate health with looking a certain way or eating certain foods and I was quickly getting sucked into this mindset. I opened my email one weeknight evening and saw your announcement that you were going to be blogging and it felt like an answer to a prayer! Thank you for sharing a little bit of your world with us, including both the ups and the downs. You are a gift! It is so good to hear that this blog is a positive space for you, as well. Praying that you feel better and that you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I adore these posts!

  7. I fully feel the “cheers to the exhaustion of parenting.” We also have 3, kinder and younger, and are celebrating 10 years of marriage next year. Trying to decide where to go! Maybe Cabo haha

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