



5 thoughts at the end of April.

1. I got this tear-off daily organizer from Day Designer and it was made for me. I got one for home and one for the office so I don’t have to move (and therefore lose) the pad. I never consistently use a traditional planner, but this is working for me!

2. I’d been feeling trapped by sickness and our kids ages and our house…so we went on a Getaway for a night! I left the tiny child with my mom and off the rest of us went. On an episode of Best of Both World’s Laura said something along the lines of: Adventures are about making life feel more memorable. Routines are great…they make good choices automatic. But when too much sameness stacks up, you end up not being able to remember whole periods of life because you aren’t able to distinguish one day from the next. 

“Too much sameness stacking up.” YES. That is how life can feel to me.

It was wonderful getting out of our routine and it also made me appreciate our routine. This post from Cup of Jo and this SNL clip rang true on our trip – whereever you go, there you are. The kids still whined until they watched TV on our phones, smacked/kicked each other, and complained about the food. The adults felt annoyed with each other and snapped at everyone too much. But there were also great moments of us all laughing, beautiful walks, seeing a snake, me sitting alone while the sun set, Andrew reading his bible for 2 hours, and getting to tend to a literal fire (which is so much better than a figurative one).

I would definitely go back. Several months after I had my second kid I had a breaking point and went to the ER. I didn’t know what I needed then, but in hindsight I know I just needed a break and I didn’t know how to take one. I didn’t know where to go. Do I get a hotel room and go sit alone in it? That sounds terrible. I needed more than an hour massage. I didn’t want to go anywhere anyone is going to ask me any questions. I needed a place like Getaway so I could rest and get some perspective. It’s nice to have this as an option going forward and I know I’ll be back. Oh, and I obliterated my gastrocnemius so I was in a boot for a minute.

3. We had a 24 hours Sabbath a few weekends ago. We did Friday sundown to Saturday sundown and then ended it with a babysitter for the girls and Andrew and I going to dinner at one of my favorite places. With kids there wasn’t really rest as in stillness, but I focused on the Sabbath mood being: “there is nothing to get done.” For example, we went outside in our front yard and did yard work as a family but instead of a plan of “we need to pick up this many bags of leaves and have 2 flower beds weeded,” we just dinked around. Less of a focus on efficiency and more of a focus on being together as a family.

4. My camera roll is filled with photos of…me. Ella poses me (sit, stand, put hand like this, teeth smile or no teeth smile) then takes my picture all.the.time. Here is the latest photo:

5. It came out recently that Jojo thought my job was opening food for people. I tell the girls my job is to “help people with their food” and at home I am constantly opening their food, so clearly I have the skill set. Makes sense lol.

Hope you have a good weekend.


  1. I do enjoy your writing, you have a talent. Glad you got to getaway! 

  2. #5 is too funny! Add “cutting stuff up” and that completes my food resume haha!

  3. Haha that is so funny that your kiddos thought you opened food for people! I’m sure you’d be really good at doing that :) Love that you got to do a little getaway! I’ve been trying to plan more rest for myself and also thinking of how to make it a routine when baby #2 comes. Sometimes Cam takes our toddler on Saturday mornings to go for a jog in the jogging stroller and I just sit in the quiet house for an hour and a half – it’s heaven!

    • Hi Kylie,

      Welcome back! Your blog was helpful, calming and fun! It’s wonderful to read how well you’re doing! Congratulations on your third baby! She’s lovely! Thanks for the real and positive insights on bodies, family, food and life! You’ve been missed!

    • YESSS to a quiet house. It’s like anytime Andrew and I go on a date night I’m always like we have to do this more regularly! It’s so magical. And then recently I went and saw a movie, like in a theater, and it was so nice to just sit and enjoy. I wanna make this happen more too!

  4. Oh my gosh. I love that she thought you were a “designated food opener!” lol. Thank you for your honesty throughout motherhood. It has been helpful to read your thoughts and processes as we are going to start trying for our first kid soon!:)

  5. “I’d been feeling trapped by sickness and our kids ages and our house…” I feel this. And I was kind of feeling like this was a failure of my moral fortitude. Thank you, Kylie, for being honest and reminding me that it is ok and it isn’t just me and I can be intentional about finding ways to combat this feeling. <3

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