



Food we ate, Chapter 23.

We just hit the birthday party circuit with back to back kid’s parties. Now we’re back home resting for the day. Hope you have a good weekend. Here’s what we ate recently.

Salmon, roasted sweet potatoes and a mozzarella + tomato salad for Andrew and I to share. I poured some olive oil off of the pesto we had in the fridge on top of the salad – was a good idea: super duper basil infused olive oil.

I made Ramen. It was okay. Ramen isn’t my favorite food. It was fine. Had some of a beer with it, which was also just fine. The meal looks pretty, but didn’t like this much.

And here is the kids before AND AFTER from the ramen dinner:

Quesadillas + guacamole.

One night we made nutella crepes and called it a night.

One night we did a burrito bowl night. I could eat this nearly every day. I love it so much. And I’m having a moment with pineapple + sour cream. The combo is so good.

I made salmon burgers and they were meh. They cooked through, but were still a bit mushy because my proportions were off. Served with green beans. I got everything on the table and Andrew was still outside swimming with the girls, so I just sat down and ate dinner by myself before kids came in and rejected everything I’d made. It was nice.

Talk again soon!


  1. I’m going to have to go look up burrito bowls….they sound fun with kids, but what to include?

  2. The kid’s before and after 🤣🤣

  3. PINEAPPLE IN A BURRITO BOWL. Girl I have been following you forever and Love Love Love all of your insightful posts. You have blown my mind many a time before but somehow this wins 😂 Absolutely going to make that like ASAP!

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