



Food we ate, Chapter 37.

This was the week of cereal, chickpeas, and tacos!

Cereal + walnuts + banana + milk for breakfast.

Cereal for lunch.

Taco + iced vanilla for breakfast.

Tacos for lunch one day.

These tacos were for dinner one night.

Out to Mexican food one night. This was one of the first times we’ve been out to eat as a family of 5 and it went smoothly! Was so fun and nice! I got chicken quesadillas and had a bunch of leftovers for other meals. I actually love quesadillas with an iced vanilla latte for breakfast, so that was had.

Ribs + Caesar salad. My stomach has still been off, so I could only stomach a couple ribs, but Andrew and the girls enjoyed. Our kids do love ribs and “crouton” salad.

Another night I dropped off our fav Mexican food for my sister + bro-in-law + new babes, so I got us takeout Mexican food for dinner too for convenience sake. And for deliciousness sake.

One day I made some blender protein muffins and they came out so gross that not even the baby would eat them. Into the trash they went.

Ooo I loved this dinner. Crispy oven-roasted chickpeas + crispy potatoes + greek salad.

Roasted *CRISPY/CRUNCHY* chickpeas and potatoes have still been sounding so good. I’ve been eating handfuls for snacks often. Pre-roasted:

Roasted! I eat them cold, I eat them hot. I will eat them Sam I Am.

Snacked on nutella + pretzels. Pretzels > breadsticks in my tastebuds opinion.

One day for lunch my appetite felt so off, but I needed something. The only thing I felt like I could easily stomach was froyo, so I did that and it was great. Also, I’m not pregnant.

Another snack was a couple iced oatmeal Z bars. I love those things.

I don’t usually love La Croix, but every now and then they sound so refreshing. The watermelon is delish.

One night I made a pasta dish + broccoli + rotisserie chicken, I put the carcass of the chicken into a pot to make stock. Made the stock and then left it out over night and totally ruined it. Andrew and I even joked that we were going to forget to put it in the fridge and THEN IT HAPPENED. Was so annoying, but Andrew works from home on Friday usually and he went to the store and remade the stock/carrots/onions/herbs so we had chicken n’ dumplings for dinner tonight.

And the weekend is here. Yay! I hope you have a good one.


  1. Hi Kylie! I’ve been reading your blog for a couple months now but this is my first time commenting! It’s been really encouraging for me as I’ve been working through disordered eating. I love your recipes!! And I love reading your “What We Ate” posts. <3

  2. Love the not pregnant disclaimer 😂. My hubby always gives me a look when I’m eating a pregnancy favorite lol

  3. My husband and I recently found out that we are pregnant with our first so I can relate to froyo for lunch lol. Lately I have been thinking I should buy stock in bagels because bagels has been the only thing I can stomach for lunch recently lol. As always, love your posts!

  4. I’m liking the chickpea idea for easy snacks

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